Things to Have in Mind When Starting a Restaurant

The success in the hospitality industry is all about customer experience. Why? Well, first, because return visitors make the bulk of its profit. Second, because a satisfied customer is more susceptible to techniques like upselling and cross-selling. Third, because customer reviews, high ratings and word of mouth recommendations can make or break your business. In… Continue reading Things to Have in Mind When Starting a Restaurant

Essential Tips for an Unforgettable Company Anniversary

Due to the fact that the majority of startups fail within their first year, a company’s first anniversary is a pretty big deal. From that point on, commemorating these anniversaries should be a pretty big deal, especially since it gives you a chance to push your business agenda in a subtler way. A company anniversary… Continue reading Essential Tips for an Unforgettable Company Anniversary

Time to Shine: Staple Pieces You Definitely Need This Summer

As summer is in full swing, chances are your summer wardrobe arsenal is good and ready. However, as we all know there is always room for another great dress and a yet another pair of fabulous shoes. No matter how carefully you’ve scouted and hunted for perfect summer attire, you’re still probably missing a staple… Continue reading Time to Shine: Staple Pieces You Definitely Need This Summer

The Basics of Running an Environmentally Friendly Restaurant

There are several reasons why each existing or prospective restaurant should consider making its establishment as green as possible. To begin with, there is the great benefit to the environment, but you can also reduce your costs significantly. Next, you can count on people being ready to spend more if they know that the restaurant… Continue reading The Basics of Running an Environmentally Friendly Restaurant